Cold as Ice

July marked our two-year anniversary at Pine Mountain, and ordinarily I'd acknowledge the occasion with my annual wrap-up of achievements made over the year. However, for some peculiar reason, NearMap has not updated its satellite images of the area since December, so I've decided to hold off the presentation of before-and-after photos until I have … Continue reading Cold as Ice

The Stowaway

It's been another hectic month for me work-wise, with this weekend being my first at home in all of May, after numerous trips away. Consequently, I don't have too much to report. Despite this, there has been a couple of noteworthy wildlife observations over the past couple of weeks worth sharing. The first was by … Continue reading The Stowaway

Autumn Harvest

With the wet summer we had, I had high hopes that many of our local plants that are infrequent fruiters would finally set seed this year. Mostly, this hasn't been the case. The environmental triggers for successful seeding for most local species are poorly known. What is clear is that steady rainfall throughout the summer … Continue reading Autumn Harvest